La Cartiera dei Benandanti

La Cartiera dei Benandanti

The farm stretches across the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines in the Idice River Valley. The farm, converted entirely to organic production since 1993, is about 155 hectares, 85 of which are oak coppice and the remaining 70 hectares are planted with barley, wheat, field beans and alfalfa.

400 meters from the farm and on the bank of the Idice River, an old farmhouse was converted into the La Cartiera dei Benandanti farmhouse. The name is due to its ancient origin and use, as the building was built in the late 1500s and was used as a paper mill, where straw and rags were turned into paper using water and the power of the river. The Benandanti were part of the agrarian cults of the time. They were good sorcerers who roamed the countryside, propitiating crops and fighting all sorts of evil and witchcraft. Repurposed as a farmhouse in the 1700s, it is now a farmhouse where lodging and refreshments are offered.
